Tool Shed - Where You Help Us Build The Next Song

Because you're here, you're now a Roadkill Rodeo insider - which means you get to hear songs in development. Take a listen to our currently featured Demo Track and let us know what you think about it - is it a keeper or should we send it to the junkyard? Your opinion counts - take a listen and then be heard! Vote using the poll below and then see how others voted. And please - only vote once per Featured Demo Track. 

(Note: a demo track is exactly that...a very rough early-stage version. Rest assured that when the tune is actually produced, it will have the full, spot-on music, vocals, and production we all expect from Roadkill Rodeo. But for now, focus on the song itself... 
are the bones there? Is it catchy? Does it resonate with you? Take a listen - and then vote. And if you'd like to write a more detailed review, we'd love it!  Go to Contact and send us a note.)

Thanks for voting!

Decide the fate of "Land Mine"

Definite keeper - produce it 3
Very promising - needs some minor tweaks 1
Has its moments - song still needs work 0
Uh...NO - send it to the junkyard 0
4 responses

On The Shelf - Previously Tested